Sculpture Casting Project in Zurich, 2014 - 2016
plaster, wire mesh, metal, burlap, wood, lime paint, clay-slicker
155 x 65 x 70”
«Do I contradict myself? Very well then... I contradict myself; I am large... I contain multitudes...» (Walt Whitman, ‹Leaves of Grass›, 1855.)
In the Fall of 2014, I was able to realize an exciting and stimulating project in Zurich. I spent five days taking casts of different sculptures and statues throughout the city. One hundred and fifty casts were taken from fifty figurative, animal and abstract public works. I used the casts to create a large figure at the studio in Ottenbach. The work is called Multitudes and is meant to pay homage to the wide range of public sculpture in Zurich, the art of sculpture and the vibrant energy of city inhabitants. It will be exhibited in front of St. Peter`s Church in the center of the city from June to November, 2016.
The project was generously supported by the Zurich Police Department, The Department of Art in Public Spaces Zurich, Zurich Transit Maritim, and the Zurich Art Museum. Many thanks for assistance from Trudi Staehli, Myrta Moser, Damaris Bucher and Fotene Andreadis.
Video 00:03:24, Exhibition 2016, St.Peterhofstatt, Zurich, Switzerland